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About “Geoffrey Mbuguah”

Now, I am an experienced Consultant Food Technologist, Management Systems Lead Auditor and Trainer. I am based in Nairobi Kenya but I have had experience and exposure basically in all English Speaking as well as a few francophone Sub Sahara Countries in Africa. My experience in private sector food manufacturing spans from the year 1993 whereas management systems training, auditing, and certification started in the year 2005 as you shall see on my CV.

I am looking for organisations in need of training, auditing and certification  locally and internationally in management systems.

In the course of provision of consultancy services I have helped quite a number of organisations, both locally and abroad , on the development, establishment, documentation, implementation, and maintenance of management Systems up to the point that the sites have been certified by accredited Certification Bodies, hence acquiring certificates to export value added products.

Below are the schemes I have skills, competence and experience,

  1. Quality Management Systems as per ISO 9001:2015,
  2. Food Safety Systems certification FSSC:22000:2020 v5.1, which includes ISO 22000 :2018 and all sector specific Pre-Requisite Programs  based on ISO 22002 Parts 1, for Food Production, Part 2 for  Catering, Part 3 on farming, Part 4 on Packaging, Part 5 on Transport and Storage and part 6 on Animal Feed and Pet Food. I am approved for all the FSSC 22000 food categories,
  3. Food Safety Management Systems – Requirements for any Organisation in the Food Chain-ISO 22000:2018,
  4. BRCGS Food issue 8 and now issue 9, I am a BRC Global Food Standard Auditor approved for all the scopes
  5. Global GAP Integrated farm Assurance, Crops
  6. International Featured Standards (IFS) Food standard
  7. Safe Quality Food (SQF) Standards
  8. Social Accountability SA Systems / Corporate Social Responsibility CSR Systems/Responsible Sourcing based on SA8000:2014, ETI, SMETA or any other Client approved audit criteria,
  9. Environmental Management Systems based on ISO 14001:2015
  10. Occupational Health and Safety Management Systems based on ISO 45001:2018 and
  11. Business Continuity Management Systems based on ISO 22301 2019 Standard

In addition to this, I confirm that I am approved trainer and I conduct  especially public training on all the above standards including but not limited to

  1. Awareness  and facilitation Training
  2. Internal Auditors Courses and
  3. IRCA/CQi Registered Auditor / Lead Auditor Courses as well as
  4. Transition to New Standards Courses.
  5. Management Systems Implementation Training Project Courses

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