About Us


Greetings & Welcome

Start Today For a Great Future

CheckPlus is a horizontal marketplace that began in January 2023 and became incorporated in the Republic of Kenya as a Limited Company on 1st June 2023.

A group of eleven professionals with extensive experience in the Testing, Inspection and Certification (TIC) industry spanning between 10 and 25 years, agreed on a vision to create a credible platform, where private individuals, professionals, or companies can offer their expert services to reliable vetted customers. We are a creative-led, community-spirited company on a mission to simplify global trade in a way that guarantee value for money for the customers and competitive remuneration for the experts.

At CheckPlus, we are passionate about empowering professionals in the testing, inspection, and certification industry. We believe that by connecting experts with the right tools and resources, we can help them to achieve their full potential and drive innovation in their field.

Our customer is at the core of our business. We have put in place measures that assure our customer engages qualified providers and gets the right services from our experts. We offer a convenient way to compare service prices form a single platform. Also being an established market place, we provide a level of the much needed trust between the customers and the experts. We provide greater transparency in prices and it is possible to operate a round-the-clock – time constraints and problems with varying international trading hours are removed.

CheckPlus is designed to be a one-stop-shop for professionals in this industry, providing access to the latest news, trends, and best practices. We not only bring our experts and customers closer, but we also offer a range of features and services, including training courses and networking opportunities.

Our team is made up of experienced professionals from different fields who are dedicated to supporting our users and helping them to succeed. We understand the challenges that professionals in our industry face, and we are committed to providing them with the tools they need to overcome those challenges and achieve their goals.

Whether you are a seasoned veteran or just starting out in the testing, inspection, and certification industry, CheckPlus has something to offer you. Join us today and discover how we can help you take your business to the next level.

Our Mission: To connect buyers and sellers across the globe, to facilitate trade in goods and services efficiently, professionally and economically.

Our Vision: To be a globally trusted horizontal marketplace where quality, safety and price are guaranteed.


Our Values

Accountability: Each of us is responsible for our words, our actions, and our results.

Agility: We challenge the status quo with open minds, focus, and speed.

Innovation: We encourage thoughtful, creative and inspirational ideas

Integrity: We build trust through responsible decisions based on professional standards

Long-Term View: We look beyond the present to deliver future value.

Our Services

To customers:

  1. We help the customers to get the best inspectors or other experts for their jobs.
  2. We help the customers to shorten their inspection turnaround time thereby optimizing their supply chain costs and delays.
  3. We offer guarantee to the customers that the appointed provider will effectively carry out the assignment satisfactorily.
  4. We inspect and verify products being ordered by a customer prior to payment and shipment thereby guaranteeing quality and value for money.
  5. We help customers to get quality service providers within their locality on a 24 hour basis at reasonable rates.

To Experts,

  1. We help experts get started either as inspectors or companies as we market all our registered experts in our platform worldwide. Your profile is public and skills vetted by industry experts making companies to hire with confidence
  2. We link qualified experts in multi-disciplinary fields to customers who needs their services at competitive commercial rates.
  3. We provide professional and standardized data collection and reporting tools to our experts to make them standout.
  4. We provide unlimited access to tutorials on how specific tasks and challenges are addressed
  5. We provide experts with access to specialized equipment from other industry experts at reasonable hire rates
  6. We help experts to get paid reasonable commercial rates for their services.
  7. We offer international membership enabling you to bid for international jobs and assign locally available technical staff

Partnerships and Linkages

Our Professionals

Team Behind The Curtain
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Luisa Moxley

Marketing Manager
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Marketing Administrator
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Brande Feeley

Marketing Director
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Joseph Farner

VP Marketing
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Rozella Hott

Marketing Director
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Duane Villalta

Marketing Manager
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Johanne Deyoung

VP Marketing
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Joseph Farner

Marketing Manager