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Testing solutions portfolio to support Agriculture, food, environmental, pharmaceutical, petrochemical & mineral industries. The scope includes chemical, physical, microbiological and mechanical tests. Test reports issued by accredited laboratories are accepted in quality assurance activities in international and domestic trade.


Learners build credibility and confidence by validating their expertise with industry-recognized credentials. Organizations identify skilled professionals for QA initiatives using certifications issued by our partners. We offer world leading certification programs that provide an independent tick to the customers that your products and services are world-class.


Evaluate whether products, processes and services comply with all the relevant standards, both regulatory and voluntary. The Inspection scope can include facilities, products and services worldwide, guaranteeing objective and impartial results and helping clients to fulfill their contractual obligations with their own clients or suppliers.


Training portfolio spanning all major industrial sectors and areas including Agriculture & Food, Occupational Health & Safety, Management Systems, Transportation, Medical Devices, Industrial & Manufacturing, Education, Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Compliance, Leadership & soft skills.


Objective based third-party audits that may result in certification, registration, recognition, an award, license approval, a citation, a fine, or a penalty issued by the third-party organization or an interested party. The audits are performed by an independent freelance or corporate experts. The audit categories includes in process, product & system audits.


Calibration and repair solutions for all makes and models of test and measurement equipment. Accredited calibration performed under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory accreditation with traceability to national & international standards. We focus on an optimal price-performance ratio to calibrate your measuring instruments.

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Testing solutions portfolio to support Agriculture, food, environmental, pharmaceutical, petrochemical & mineral industries. The scope includes chemical, physical, microbiological and mechanical tests. Test reports issued by accredited laboratories are accepted in quality assurance activities in international and domestic trade.


Evaluate whether products, processes and services comply with relevant standards, both regulatory and voluntary. Inspection can include facilities, products and services worldwide, guaranteeing objective and impartial results.


Objective based third-party audits that may result in certification, registration, recognition, an award, license approval, a citation, a fine, or a penalty issued by the third-party organization or an interested party. Our experts specialize in process, product & system audits.


Helps learners build credibility and confidence by validating their expertise with industry-recognized credentials, and organizations identify skilled professionals to lead quality assurance initiatives using certifications issued by our network partners. Our experts offer world leading certification programs that provide an independent tick to the customers that your products and services are world-class.


Training portfolio spanning all major industrial sectors and areas including Agriculture & Food, Occupational Health & Safety, Management Systems, Transportation, Medical Devices, Industrial & Manufacturing, Education, Sustainability, Social Responsibility, Compliance, Leadership & soft skills.


Calibration and repair solutions for all makes and models of test and measurement equipment. Accredited calibration performed under ISO/IEC 17025:2017 laboratory accreditation with traceability to national & international standards. We focus on an optimal price-performance ratio to calibrate your measuring instruments.


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Consectetur adipisicing elit sed dotem eiusmod tempor incune utnaem labore etdolore maigna aliqua enim poskina ilukita ylokem lokateise ination voluptate velit esse cillum.


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Dotem eiusmod tempor incune utnaem labore etdolore maigna aliqua enim poskina ilukita ylokem lokateise ination voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur lokaim urianewce.

Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborumed perspiciatis.