How it works

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  2. How it works

Onboarding of Individual & Corporate Experts

We are a trusted marketplace for independent experts. Our aim is to provide businesses access to in-demand expertise on demand. We have completely reimagined how online freelancer platforms work and ensure that you only work with the best possible experts who are held accountable to strict quality guidelines.

Through our onboarding program, we have built a growing repository of experts in the diverse quality assurance sectors and other on-demand services. The database serves as a publicly available contact list to accelerate access to expert services.

How we get our Experts

CheckPlus was founded with the aim of providing businesses and employers’ access to top experts. Our rigorous screening process identifies experts in their domains who have passion and drive. Each applicant to the CheckPlus network must pass a screening process designed to measure subject matter expertise, professionalism and communication skills.

  • Review

    Professional Review

    The selection process starts with an online application where we look for a proven track record of professional excellence. We also asses personality traits, looking for candidates who are passionate and fully engaged in their work.

  • Skill Review

    In Depth Skill Review

    We also test applicants’ technical knowledge. Every member of CheckPlus network is an expert in their domain, and we typically only advanced with candidates with exceptional results in this phase.

  • Screening

    Live Screening

    The candidates go through comprehensive interview where we check both their personality and communication and technical ability to ensure that they are a good fit and can ‘’walk the walk’’

  • Monitoring

    Ongoing Excellence Monitoring

    Members of the CheckPlus network maintain a track record of excellence while working with clients. As a quality-fast company, our focus is on the top for talent and the top for clients, and this principle permeates through to every engagement and every project.


HOW to Hire Top Consultants On-Demand

Have Any Business service Related Problem Solved

We have well over 500 peer-vetted experts with broad expertise within quality assurance consulting space. Whether you need an expert in testing, inspection, certification, training or auditing, we’ve got you covered!

  • Requirements

    Describe Your Requirements

    This is your project brief. It will come to Checkplus for a review, and sometimes an edit, before getting released to our network.

  • Get Connected


    Only amazing, execution-oriented experts will submit pitches with their Expressions of Interest.

  • Collaborate With Others


    Following discovery, scoping & pricing discussions, simply select a partner and... get to work!

  • Business Relationship

    Build Lasting Relationships With Experts That Know Your Business

    We make it easy to come back to your preferred expert as need arises. Whether it’s for regular advisory services or on-going project work, working with your go-to expert or a team of experts is quick and easy.


Getting Into Business

Focus on Your Work & Team

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    Consectetur adipisicing elit sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore eta dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
