


The greatest asset an organization has is its workforce. Unlocking the full potential of your employees is the key to creating a successful and dynamic business. To achieve this, employees must be provided with training that promotes continuous personal and professional development. CheckPlus has partnered with accredited trainers GLOBALLY that are engaging and delivering targeted knowledge to the individual without excessive costs. We operate in over 100 countries, provide in excess of 20,000 courses, in more than 10 languages, and all delivered by over 1000 tutors. Our programs have helped us to achieve internationally recognized standards of performance, giving us a competitive advantage in the marketplace. CheckPlus has a training solution for every industry to help unleash the full potential of your workforce.

Our training portfolio, covers a blended mix of delivery methodologies, spanning all major industrial sectors and areas including;

  • Agriculture & Food
  • Occupational Health & Safety
  • Management Systems
  • Transportation
  • Medical Devices
  • Industrial & Manufacturing
  • Education
  • Sustainability
  • Social Responsibility
  • Compliance
  • Leadership & soft skills